Nerd Nite: Spoopy Edition!

As we head into fall, we are looking forward to being inside as the evenings get chilly and what better way to do that than hang out with fellow nerds?!

Where: Tank Space (1110 East Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI)

When: Thursday,  October 24th from 7 pm to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

How: Purchase your $10 ticket via THIS LINK or at the door (cashless preferred)

An Exploration of Witchcraft by Bellamy Black

Bellamy Black is the vibrant owner of Blessed Be Tea and Apothecary in Traverse City, Michigan, and the voice behind the popular podcast “Ask a Witch.” With over 15 years of experience, Bellamy is a Reiki Master, Herbalist, professional witch, and devoted mother and entrepreneur. Embracing the identity of an eclectic free-range Pagan, she blends various traditions and practices into her craft. Her apothecary serves as a haven for those seeking herbal remedies and spiritual guidance, while her podcast offers insights and advice on living a magical life. Join Bellamy in celebrating the beauty and power of pagan traditions at Nerd Nite!

“The Nun Buried in the Basement” by Anna Beard

An exploration of the true story behind the 1979 film “The Runner Stumbles” which was based on the tragic tale of a small church in Isadore, Michigan. It swept up a small town in gossip, tragedy, and mystery when a young nun went missing in 1907.

Anna is a Leelanau County native who is back and looking for fellow nerds.  After a stint at the University of Michigan where she earned a BFA in Dance, she continued studying her craft while instructing many young people to wave their limbs in artistic ways.  Since then she has lived in Austin where she became a historical swordfighter which only increased her already nerdy obsession with dance history.  She resides in TC where she loves to safely hit her friends, dance at the drop of a hat, and eat all things cherries.

5th Time is the Charm!

As we head into fall, we are looking forward to being inside as the evenings get chilly and what better way to do that than hang out with fellow nerds?!

Where: Tank Space (1110 East Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI)

When: Thursday,  September 26th from 7 pm to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

How: Purchase your $10 ticket via THIS LINK or at the door (cashless preferred)

“Can I Eat That?” by Logan Ferguson

Have you ever been out for a walk in the woods, seen a mushroom popping out of the
ground and thought to yourself, “Can I eat that”? I know I have! So much of our food
nowadays is pre-packaged and pre-prepared, and there is something rewarding about
putting food on the table that you collected for yourself out in nature. At one time I, like
many other people, was afraid of mushrooms. Aren’t they dangerous? Doesn’t it take an
expert to identify them? Well, it turns out, with a little bit of basic knowledge and
identification skills, foraging for wild edible mushrooms is a hobby that nearly anyone
can get into! There are many easily identifiable edible mushrooms in the Eastern United
States, and while there are some toxic ones, they are relatively few and very
distinguishable from common edible varieties. Come along with me while we talk about
foraging for edible fungi, including how to go about it safely, some common edible
varieties, the habitats they associate with, and toxic species to avoid.

Logan Ferguson is a long-time denizen of the woods and waters of the state of
Michigan. Growing up in the Grand Rapids area, he was exposed to the outdoors at a
young age on his family camping trips up north, sparking a lifelong passion for the
natural world. He eventually obtained degrees in Natural Resource Management at
GVSU and Forestry at West Virginia University. Along the way he developed strong
interests in botany and mycology. After stints spent doing vegetation surveys in Texas,
Missouri, and West Virginia, he now resides in the Traverse City area and spends his
time biking, fishing, gardening, and searching for cool and interesting fungi to
photograph and/or collect for the table.

“Mary Queen of Scots: Good with Ideas. Bad at Vibe Checks”

Sometimes when we look back at history, it can seem nothing more than a series of dates and dry facts. However! With a little sense of humor and reading between the lines, a story unfolds that is sometimes so crazy, that you can’t make this stuff up. We will examine some excerpts from the wild life of the ill-fated Mary Queen of Scots who maybe could have ruled England if she had been better at vibe checks, more detail-orientated in her murder plots, and just plain ol’ picked better boyfriends. You’ll laugh. You’ll shake your head. And maybe, you will be inspired to take another look at history.

Anna is a Leelanau County native who is back and looking for fellow nerds.  After a stint at the University of Michigan where she earned a BFA in Dance, she continued studying her craft while instructing many young people to wave their limbs in artistic ways.  Since then she has lived in Austin where she became a historical swordfighter which only increased her already nerdy obsession with dance history.  She resides in TC where she loves to safely hit her friends, dance at the drop of a hat, and eat all things cherries.

Nerd Nite Back Again for #4!

Now that the Cherry Festival dust has settled, we are ready to emerge back out into to the nerdy social scene of Traverse City! We are looking forward to sharing some really nerdy talks this time around that will make you giggle.

Where: Tank Space (1110 East Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI)

When: Thursday,  August 29th from 7 pm to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

How: Purchase your $10 ticket via THIS LINK or at the door (cashless preferred)

Dirt: What’s Beneath the Surface By Kirk Waterstripe

Picture your favorite plant. Name a creature that lives in soil. Let’s burrow into the world of soil organisms, how they interact with plants, and how this amazing web of life below ground enables and enriches our life above ground. Prepare to learn about fungi, nematodes, and others with hard-to-pronounce names, and the elegant, beautiful process of decomposition.

In 1997, a student in Kirk’s Plant Biology class led him down a path that went, literally, down. Into the dirt. Through Ph.D. studies and working with perhaps the preeminent soil microbiologist at the time, he came to know an unseen world that exists beneath our feet. Since coming back to northern Michigan in 2003, he has spoken, consulted and taught classes on how this world works, how to nurture it, and how to build soil for restoring plant communities and growing incredibly nutritious food.

Working Hard or Hardly Working: An Exploration of the Hardy Boys by Thomas Hole

Mystery novels have been a popular form of entertainment for well over a century. They thrill. They delight. They whisper about things that go “bump” in the night. The Hardy Boys series has been a staple in the genre since its inception in the late 1920s. Aimed at children and adolescents, this series was made to keep readers on the edge of their seats from chapter to chapter. This of course, led to some fantastical situations over the course of the boys’ adventures. But out all of these, what are the most ridiculous? What are the greatest near misses, strangest characters, and the most unbelievable bouts of luck the Hardy Boys have ever encountered?

Thomas is a recent transplant to Traverse City, though his family has roots in the southern part of the state. He studied English and economics at Kalamazoo College where he further developed a life-long love of literature and learning. He enjoys games of all kinds, fencing in its many forms, and tasting whatever interesting cheeses he can find.

How to Make Sword Cake and Other Sword Fighting Strategies by Anthony Buonomo

How do you go from a book with very little guidance and some sometimes pretty whack-a-doodle pictures that aren’t always possible with a human body with bones to actual fighting? This talk will explore how you can look for context clues, solve bio-mechanical problems with modern day movement understanding, and decipher what sword masters of old wanted us to know.

Anthony Buonomo is the founder Historical Weapons Guild, located in both Austin, Texas, and Traverse City.  When anyone asks him why he started swordfighting, his answer is simply, “Because I’m a giant nerd.”  So you can see why he’s perfect for this event.  He started formally training in HEMA back in 2014 and has since then traveled the US as well as internationally to teach and compete even winning a medal or two.  When not doing all things swords, you can find him climbing at Elev8  or obsessing over which 40k army is best. (it’s Tyranids)

Nerd Nite Traverse City #3 More nerding for the nerds…

We keep on learning and sharing! Last time around we learned about synths and how hobbits might be the gateway to sounds as well as just how weird medieval art could be. We are super excited to keep this nerd fest going with more fun topics!

Where: Tank Space (1110 East Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI)

When: Thursday,  June 27th from 7 pm to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

How: Purchase your $10 ticket via THIS LINK or at the door (cashless preferred)

Toad-ally Wicked: The Vilification of Frogs and Toads Throughout History By Sydney Giddings

Can you tell if that little, jumping amphibian is safe to touch or not? Neither can anyone else until it’s too late! Together, we will take a look at the history of knowledge about frogs and toads and how they became the customary companions of witches everywhere. Not only are they integral to the perfect potion, but they are also closely tied to medieval medicine, ecology, and feminism. 

Sydney Giddings is an avid lover of all things cute and weird. She grew up in Maryland before going to school in Kalamazoo, Michigan for biology. Sydney now works in the Manistee National Forest and spends her days talking about Leave No Trace, the dangers of invasive species, and why women’s outdoor gear should have more pockets. Her passions include Dungeons and Dragons, coffee and lil’ guys.

To Bow or Not to Bow and How by Anna Beard

Social niceties are still present in everyday life whether it’s saying “Ope, lemme just slip right past ya there” when a grocery aisle is too narrow or holding the door open for someone. Back in the Tudor and Elizabethan eras, however, there were laundry lists of Do and Do Not that peppered the everyday social lives of those at court. We will be examining specifically what was expected surrounding the occasions of dancing. You might just doff your cap in a new way!

Anna is a Leelanau County native who is back and looking for fellow nerds.  After a stint at the University of Michigan where she earned a BFA in Dance, she continued studying her craft while instructing many young people to wave their limbs in artistic ways.  Since then she has lived in Austin where she became a historical swordfighter which only increased her already nerdy obsession with dance history.  She resides in TC where she loves to safely hit her friends, dance at the drop of a hat, and eat all things cherries.

Calling All Bird Nerds! (and the bird curious) by Kirk Waterstripe

Why Birds? Why do people obsess about them, count them, chase them across continents? Because birds lead us into a world greater than ourselves. They teach us about relationships, they bring us together, and they’re just incredibly cool! Let’s talk about why you might want to take a small step into the world of birds, how we can help them, and how you can rise to the level of Bird Nerd!

From the early moments of watching a duck sit on a nest, Kirk has observed, studied, pursued, and written about birds. They have led him on journeys through geographical and metaphysical space. Currently, Kirk is the compiler of the Lake Leelanau Christmas Bird Count, and newsletter editor for the Grand Traverse Audubon Club. He also leads bird walks on Sunday mornings in spring and fall.

Nerd Nite Traverse City #2

Our first night was SUCH a huge success and we were blown away! We are super pumped to keep it going and we have more fun talks lined up for you to enjoy. Join us for more friendly nerding out and having a drink or two.

Where: Tank Space (1110 East Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI)

When: Thursday,  May 30th from 7 pm to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:45 pm)

How: Purchase your $10 ticket via THIS LINK (Due to limited space, we will due digital sales ONLY)

Synthesizers and Their Sounds

by Josh Denby

Synthesizers have been important to music across a variety of genres for decades. Over the years, a bewildering variety of synthesis techniques and instruments have had their moment in the spotlight! We’ll check out two major forms of synthesis (subtractive and frequency modulation), talk about their differences, and then listen to some representative sounds with the help of three synths: the Roland SE-02, the Yamaha Reface DX, and the Korg Minilogue. Get ready to rock…synth style.

Josh Denby is a jack of five or fewer trades and is somehow still a master of none of them, but he loves working with books, music, and movies at the local library in the Sight and Sound department. When he’s not playing with synthesizers at the library, he’s probably swinging a sword, doing taijiquan, or playing synthesizers at home. 

Swordfight Picture Book

by Anthony Buonomo

Have you ever seen medieval art? It isn’t exactly accurate. So how do we take these sometimes absolutely not representative of what the human body can (or can NOT do) and translate them into dynamic, functional movement? We will take a peek at some of the more hilarious images, explore how and when they got better, and explain how you can go from book to fight!

Anthony Buonomo is the founder Historical Weapons Guild, located in both Austin, Texas, and Traverse City.  When anyone asks him why he started swordfighting, his answer is simply, “Because I’m a giant nerd.”  So you can see why he’s perfect for this event.  He started formally training in HEMA back in 2014 and has since then traveled the US as well as internationally to teach and compete even winning a medal or two.  When not doing all things swords, you can find him climbing at Elev8  or obsessing over which 40k army is best. (it’s Tyranids)

The Language of Ballet: Sleeping Beauty or That Time a Drag Queen Ruined My Birthday

by Anna Beard

Once upon a time, going to the ballet or the opera was IT for the social outlets of society. While opera affords some understanding if you happen to speak the language, how do you consistently progress the plot in a movement based art form? How can you let people know that if a prince happens upon a sleeping princess that will solve everything? We will take a little jaunt through the language of ballet both funny and serious to decode the language unique to this art form.

Anna is a Leelanau County native who is back and looking for fellow nerds.  After a stint at the University of Michigan where she earned a BFA in Dance, she continued studying her craft while instructing many young people to wave their limbs in artistic ways.  Since then she has lived in Austin where she became a historical swordfighter which only increased her already nerdy obsession with dance history.  She resides in TC where she loves to safely hit her friends, dance at the drop of a hat, and eat all things cherries.

Nerd Nite Traverse City #1

Welcome to the very first Nerd Nite in Northern Michigan!  We are super excited to get this nerdy ball rolling and find all our fellow nerds.  How many more times can we say nerd?  This first time out is going to cover some varied topics and ease you into the fun, informative experience that is Nerd Nite

Where: Tank Space (1110 East Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI)

When: Thursday,  April 25th from 7 pm to 10:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

How: Purchase your $10 ticket via THIS LINK or at the door (cashless preferred)

Historical Dance: For Glory, Love & Fitness by Anna Beard

There are plenty of reasons why people danced long ago and some of them might surprise you.  Explore how people stayed fit, found love, and influenced the world around them all through movement.  Looking to hang out with the fellow courtier you fancy?  Well, don’t expect to flirt on the tennis court where you might get hit in the face with a ball.  And forget about trying to carry on a conversation while practice swords are breaking all over the place.  The dance floor was THE place to see and be seen.  As well as smell.  No joke.  Learn about how dance tied into the social structure of the Renaissance and how you could turn a head or two with fancy footwork.

Anna is a Leelanau County native who is back and looking for fellow nerds.  After a stint at the University of Michigan where she earned a BFA in Dance, she continued studying her craft while instructing many young people to wave their limbs in artistic ways.  Since then she has lived in Austin where she became a historical swordfighter which only increased her already nerdy obsession with dance history.  She resides in TC where she loves to safely hit her friends, dance at the drop of a hat, and eat all things cherries.

I Love That Swordfight In <Insert move title here>, but How Real Is It?  by Anthony Buonomo

Do you have a favorite fight scene from a movie?  Maybe a little movie called The Princess Bride?  Or even A Knight’s Tale!  This will break down what’s real and what isn’t and explain why real swordfighting would be too boring for storytelling.  Come ready with your questions and callouts of favorite scenes in this deep dive on Historical European Martial Arts along with some popular culture hits.

Anthony Buonomo is the founder Historical Weapons Guild, located in both Austin, Texas, and Traverse City.  When anyone asks him why he started swordfighting, his answer is simply, “Because I’m a giant nerd.”  So you can see why he’s perfect for this event.  He started formally training in HEMA back in 2014 and has since then traveled the US as well as internationally to teach and compete even winning a medal or two.  When not doing all things swords, you can find him climbing at Elev8  or obsessing over which 40k army is best. (it’s Tyranids)